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Abraxysglobal Lite 3.1
Screen Shots:
!!..New & Updated Lite Version 3.1..!!
Full Abraxys App Includes:
New Features – Faster Access – Updated Interface – Up-To-Date Events/Exhibitions
The official AbraxysGlobal app:
Put simply, we are a group of exhibition professionals who enjoy what we do – in fact we are addicted to events.
We understand what every discipline at a show is trying to achieve and we know how to help. With budgets tighter than ever, we have the experience and contacts to help you make the whole process more successful, cost-effective and simply easier. Our team travels the globe making event management a more stress free exercise.
By employing our experienced team to handle the nuts and bolts of any event, you are then free to plan the really important things that only you can control.
Our app includes:
Upcoming Events:
•Venue locations
•Event dates & times
•Event contact details
•The official 37 page: Guide to Global Standards of Health and Safety at Exhibitions
•The aim of this guidance is to set standards which will safeguard the health and safety of any person working at or visiting an event or exhibition.
Take a look at all these NEW features:
Online store - SPI purchase - Contact all the team – Services – Acronym anarchy – Amusing musings – Competition – Off guard shots – Follow/Join Abraxys – Contact Us
“AbraxysGlobal Update 3.2 - Coming Soon”