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Annoy. In a nutshell this is the science behind audio annoyance, nice and neatly packaged into a little app for your phone.
What for?
Well here's something annoying: your best friend loves dogs and cats, but you are allergic to them, but your best friend just won't take the hint. The animals jump on you everytime you are there. What can you do?
Annoy. That's right...Annoy. Just use the force by merely placing yourself smack in the middle of a discrete annoying sound field which you can't hear :-) but the animals can :-(. Slide that nice, neat, shiny new phone of yours into your front pocket, leave it locked so all is discrete, then enjoy the peace of high audio frequencies you can't hear as you converse with your best friend, without the animals.
It works rather like a dog whistle.
Of course, that is just the tip of it, because it get's even better than that, because sometimes, well, people are annoying too. Again, using the application of audio science, you "might" be able to annoy them, while you sit oblivious to all of it. Generally, the older you are the more annoyance you can inflict on others whilst you sit unaware inside your own audio field.
Don't beleive me? The effect is known as Presbycusis (look it up), and all human beings suffer from it.
The better and more powerful the audio capabilities of your phone the better the result. Obviously, annoyance threshholds are different for all beings so experiment to see what works for you.
The app runs under lock, so you can be sure that no one knows it's coming from you.