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Anyuok Science Manual 1.01
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AnyUok Science Manual v1.01 J2ME-cracked by N0ePDA
Science Manual is combination of Unit Convert, Scientific Constants and Chemical Elements.
It contains more than 676 units grouped in 38 categories, 112 chemical elements and more than 110 scientific constants sorted in 5 ategories.
Science Manual allows you to make unit conversion and check scientific constants and chemical elements. Need CLDC 1.1
Science Manual ContentUnit Conversion: More than 676 units are grouped in 38 categories as follows:
1. Accel-Angular
2. Accel-Linear
3. Angle
4. Area
5. Capacitance
6. Clothing
7. Computer
8. Concentration-Molar
9. Cooking
10. Cooking-OvenTemperatures
11. Density
12. Energy & Work
13. Flow
14. Force
15. Force Per Unit
16. Fuel Consumption
17. Illumination
18. Inductance
19. Length
20. Moment of Inertia
21. Momentum
22. Number
23. Power
24. Pressure & Stress
25. Radiation
26. Radiation-Exposure
27. Resistance
28. Resistivity
29. SI Prefixes
30. Speed-Angular
31. Speed-Linear
32. Temperature
33. Time
34. Torque
35. Viscosity-Dyn.
36. Viscosity-Kine.
37. Volume
38. Weight & Mass
Scientific Constants: Includes 20 SI Prefixes, more than 20 commom Physics-Chemical Constants, 16 Electromagentic Spectrum Constants, 16 Density of Gases at STP and more than 26 Mathmatical Constants.
1. Common Physico-Chemical Constants
2. Mathmatical Contants
3. SI Prefixes
4. Density of Gases at STP
5. Electromagentic Spectrum
Chemical Elements: Each chemical element has following info:
1. Name
2. Symbol
3. Atomic Number
4. Atomic Weight
5. Atomic Volume
6. Density @293K
7. Classification
8. Color
9. Discovered
10. State
11. Melting Point
12. Boiling Point
13. Crystal Structure
14. Heat of Fusion
15. Heat of Vaporization
16. Electron Configuration
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