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Appreciative Inquiry An Introduction 1.0
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This app helps users look at the world through the eyes of appreciation, positivity and personal strengths. The app provide tips through real life stories of how this kind of world view works in practice.
There are five principles that can help users reframe experiences, thoughts and emotions to ultimately transform their world.
The truth is "words create worlds". The stories we tell ourselves are what get reinforced. Users will see how language, questions, stories shape our destinies.
The app provides tips about the principles and practice of "Appreciative Inquiry" through stories, images, and an interactive model of Appreciative Inquiry 4-D cycle.
The app allow users to practice the appreciative mindset through images, audio and notes: Users can upload their own photos to the App's Facebook's Page with their stories, create audio recordings of their own insights, as well as annotate their thoughts using the app's notepad.
This app has come about by public request after the author's success with her iPad app, "Embracing Change".
"Embracing Change" attained Number 2 on iTunes in the Business Category.
"Will you do a version for the iPhone?" was the request.
Here it is: A brief introduction to Appreciative Inquiry, which is a perspective on the world that invites users to see themselves and the world through an appreciative or valuing eye. Users will learn how language, questions and stories shape our destinies.
The app provides tips about the principles and practice of Appreciative Inquiry through stories, images, and an interactive model of Appreciative Inquiry 4-D cycle.
App users can apply the appreciative mindset using some of the tools in the app. They can upload their own photos to the App's Facebook's Page with their stories, create audio recordings of their own insights, as well as annotate their thoughts using the app's notepad.
App features:
- Interactive models of the Appreciative Inquiry 4-D cycle of discover, dream, design, destiny
- Stories that illustrate the principles of Appreciative Inquiry
- Image gallery with inspirational quotes
- In-built camera to document the world through the appreciative eye
- In-built audio to record personal insights
- Notepad for recording thoughts
- Curated content to blogs on positive psychology, news and society, arts and culture