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Aqua Punt 1.8
Screen Shots:
Remember those water tank toys where you push the buttons and it shoots out air that makes the balls go into hoops?
Well this is totally one of those, but for your iPhone & iPod Touch.
Aqua Punt brings all the fun of old school water toys to the palm of your hand. Make all the field goals and extra points you can, or compete against yourself in timed drills. Submit your best scores online to see how you compare to other players around the world.
- Real underwater feel
- Customizable colors
- Tilt sensitive physics
- Great sound effects
- Simulated air bubbles
- 7 tiny little plastic* footballs
- 3 plastic* goal posts
- Multiple gameplay modes: Free play, One minute drill, Three minute drill
- Keeps track of your best score for each mode
- Online high scores
- Ad Free
* Not real plastic
G4 TV - The Feed
"You probably didn't even know you've been waiting for it all your life--this is the kind of silly fun for which the iPhone was made."
The Apple Blog
"It nails the gameplay. I feel like I am five again, holding the water tank toy and shooting air at the balls to propel them towards the goals."
Hack The iPod Touch
"I rate it 9/10 in total - and I recommend that you buy it."