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Aquaponics 1.0
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Aquaponics is the growing together fish and plants for human consumption. Aquaponics is a ECO system and relies on natural processes. Waste from the fish is converted by beneficial bacteria into plant food. The plants use the plant food and the water is returned to the fish clean. It is a symbiotic relationship, an ECO system.
Delicious, chemical free vegetables and fish are produced for the home table.
For the experienced and novice alike, this Practical Aquaponics guide is a collection of useful chapters and articles about every aspect of home Aquaponics. Introduction to \"Aquaponics for Profit\" is also included.
This guide is constantly being expanded as new and interesting developments in the world of Aquaponics come to hand.
Aquaponics can be practised successfully in your backyard, in a community garden, a small high rise balcony, or a family farm.
Murray Hallam's Practical Aquaponics.
Murray Hallam has been a prominent figure in the world of Aquaponics for some time. He has published DVD's on the topic and has more currently in production. He regularly holds seminars in Australia and The United States.
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