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Arinc Direct 3.3.1
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The ARINC Direct app is a valuable tool to help on-the-go aircraft pilots increase their effectiveness. Using this app, ARINC Direct customers have up-to-the-minute access to their flight plans, weather, packages, and airport charts in an easy-to-use format.
PLEASE NOTE: You must have an ARINC Direct login to use this app.
With the ARINC Direct app, you get the following features:
- List all of your company's trips
- Access any trip by city pair, tail number, and departure date
- Recompute a flight plan with current or new departure date/time
- View METARs, TAFs, NOTAMs, and winds aloft for departure, arrival, and alternate airports
- Access all flight-plan packages
- View Runway Analysis, SMS, and APIS PDFs relevant to your trips
- View Handling Status Report for ARINC-managed international trips
- Generate new fax packages for current conditions
- View airport diagrams, takeoff minimums, instrument approach plates, DPs, and STARs
- Send annotated flight plans from within app
- Worldwide enroute charting, works offline as well as online
- Enroute chart overlays for flight plan, weather, radar
- iOS 7.0 or later required
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