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Art Book Apps 1.0
Screen Shots:
Art Book Apps brings some of the hardest to obtain fine art and photographs from some of the greatest artists of the last half century right to your fingertips. With this app, you'll be able to explore hundreds of beautiful, retina-enabled images that cannot be found anywhere other than art galleries and limited edition art books.
Melvin Sokolsky Archive - Oct 2012
The first collection available in Art Book Apps is the Melvin Sokolsky Archive. Melvin is a world-reknown fashion photographer. His limited print edition book is being sold as a collectors' item. You can find it being offered at auction houses ranging from $100 - $10,000. In this app, you can purchase a digital edition for a fraction of the cost. You'll also get a behind the scenes interview with Melvin to hear his thoughts on some of his favorite photos as well as on the photography industry as a whole.
About Art Book Apps
Art Book Apps has a pipeline of new content coming out with many different artists. We look forward to releasing more fine art and interviews as well as fun ways to discover new artists. If you accept push notifications, we'll let you know when new collections are available.
Note: this app isn't just a collection of images scraped off the internet. We have worked closely with each artist to ensure their amazing talent is represented well in the digital age. Each of the in app purchases will be benefitting the artists themselves.