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Asian Tales The Magic Brush 1.0.5
Screen Shots:
The Asian Tales originated with the aim of allowing children and parents to easily experience the culture, heritage, and fantastic old-fashioned story-telling of Asian folk and fairy tales.
With lush stylised illustrations and a strong narrative arc, your kids will enjoy these stories and be prompted to sekk out fairy tale universes and characters of Asian values.
- Voice-recording function for parents to narrate the story, to transform this into a personalised storybook for every child.
- Voice-recording also lets your child practice reading out loud, and boost confidence by hearing their voices become part of the app.
- "Listen to story" option has voice-over narration in a child's voice, for a story told by one child to another.
- Large fonts for children to read independently.
This story:
- has charming illustrations and animations
- surprise sound effects to delight your child!
Recommended for children aged 2 years and above.
Start reading with your child today.