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Authentic Yoga With Deepak Chopra And Tara Stiles 1.7
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Practice wherever you are, with the most comprehensive, practical & fun mobile yoga app, brought to you by Deepak Chopra & yoga master Tara Stiles.
Suitable for all levels, and includes poses and routines for developing strength, balance, and flexibility. Choose between instructional lessons, individual poses, or special routines assembled by Deepak and Tara. Or, if you’d like – create your own custom routine from the variety of poses that are available.
Choose your music, and decide whether to have Deepak’s voice accompany your practice. Watch Tara as you practice or pause and watch an instructional video to learn the nuances of performing each individual pose correctly (all videos require network access).
"Authentic Yoga with Deepak Chopra, featuring Tara Stiles" blends the practical wisdom of Deepak’s teachings, with the in-the-body physical-focused practices of Tara Stiles, to bring you a useful, grounded practice and understanding of the authentic teachings of yoga.
With this app, Deepak and Tara merge two different generations with the same mission: spreading conscious and compassionate living to as many people as possible.
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Authentic Yoga 1.6
- improved problems with routines running 'too fast'
Authentic Yoga 1.5
New Routines (videos) from Tara!
- Yoga for Tight Shoulders
- Yoga for Back Pain
New Yoga Poses!
- Bellows Breath
- Success Breathing
- Reclining God Pose (left & right)
- Forward Bend Pose
Greatly reduced sized of app
Improved performance and minor bug fixes
Authentic Yoga 1.3
- Create your own yoga routines!