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Awesome Aunt 3
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Be a triple A rating Aunty with the Awesome Aunt app.
Becoming an Aunty is a unique and wonderful opportunity to experience the joys of a child without the responsibility. Think of this app as advice and opinions from a well meaning friend on the subject of uncleing. It provides practical tips from pre birth through to the teen years including the role of a birth support person should you be asked.
It is the intention of this app to provide general information with a fun edge that you might get from chatting with a friend. It does not intend to be a comprehensive information source. This app is no substitute for professional advice. Always seek professional medical and health advice
Legal Disclaimer: The content on this application is presented for informational purposes only. Always seek profession medical advice. Do not delay seeking profession advice on information read on this app. It is not the intention of this app to provide medical or health advice, be used to provide diagnosis or be a comprehensive information source. In no event shall the application owner be liable in any manner for any direct, incidental, indirect, consequential or punitive damages arising from using this application, the inability to use this application or any errors or omissions in the application content.