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Ayurveda Remedies And Prevention 3.0.0
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Ayurveda is the most ancient and traditional system of medicine in the World. The medication is based on many centuries of experience in medical practice handed down through generations making it one of the oldest surviving healing system in the world.
The two principle objectives of Ayurveda are: To prolong life and promote perfect health and to completely eradicate the disease and dysfunction of the body.
This book include hundreds of natural home remedies combined from both Ayurveda and home kitchen cabinet like..
*Eye care
*Food poison
*Urinary Tract Infection
*Yeast Infection, etc.
Also includes a complete guide for Wellness and Prevention covering major life threatening diseases like cancer and heart illness through Food and Nutrition that one should know and consume. Includes topic like.
* 9 Ayurveda Food Habits
* 7 Secrets of eating smarter for an optimal Health and Wellness.
* 10 Best Healthy Food for Eyes and Why.
* 9 Best Healthy Food for Cold and Flu.
* 10 Best Foods to Fight Aging.
* 10 Best foods for your skin.
* The best foods for weight loss.
* Worlds best foods, why and how to take it.
* What do you need to know about the Nutrients, its Use and the Food Source.
* 8 Ayurvedic Healing Herbs
Disclaimer: Information provided on this e-book is for educational purposes only. The information in not given as medical advice nor is it intended to propose or offers to propose a cure for any disease or condition. Before starting any medical treatment, please consult your physician.