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Babyguard 1.0.0
Screen Shots:
BabyGuard will notify your phone when a baby waked up.
It take in a degree of leaning change of iPhone using an acceleration sensor.
And make an outgoing call to a registration phone number when it incline too much.
An acceleration sensor works after pushing the START button and throws away first 20 values.
Get the average degree of leaning in next 20 values.
It start monitoring with the degree of leaning as a standard degree of leaning level.
It stop monitoring one minute later and it restart at the start time and stop at the end time.
Greatly lower the brightness to reduce battery consumption.
During monitoring, It display the X-axis Y-axis, the value of the Z-axis.
I think an acceleration sensor does not work definitely when the value is 0.000000.
Please try another iPhone.
An acceleration sensor find an incline when a baby stretching whole body.
If a baby touched iPhone, iPhone call you definitely.