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Baseball Daily Stats 1.0
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Never miss your favourite team's games, with this DailyStats app in your pocket.
Up to date scores, stats, pics, videos, blogs, news & tweets, all on your phone, all free.
There's even a live real-time chat room built into the app, so you can chat with other team fans while you're watching the game.
We have built in the upcoming game schedules, links to buy tickets, and all sorts of team memorabilia as well as sports gear for your own games. Some pretty sweet deals actually.
- Up to the minute SCORES from the current/last game
- Meaningful STATS for the team and across the league
- All the NEWS feeds for the latest updates on whats going on.
- A whole BUZZ section with blogs & commentaries
- Curated TWITTER feeds from the players & trusted fans
- A library of PICTURES from the games
- All the top VIDEOS both broadcast and funny
- SCHEDULES of upcoming games, with links to directly buy tickets
- Resale TICKETS links to get those hard-to-find/sold-out games
- Links for SHOPPING for team branded stuff & quality sports gear at discounted prices
- Live CHAT room, where you can meet other fans in real time inside the app
...we're planning a PRO / PAID version of the app with even more functions.
This Daily Stats app is produced by Infinite Monkeys.
We're basically just a couple of sports fans like you, with our own day jobs, but were frustrated by the big name corporate sports apps that were out there, so we decided to see if we could do better.
Then, one day while we were overlanding deep in the jungles of Borneo we came across a tribe of monkeys madly typing manuscripts on old manual typewriters next to a crashed and rusted out old WWII plane. We were amazed by what they were doing and showed them the iPad that we had with us. Well, one thing flowed to another and today Infinite Monkeys LLC is putting out a whole library of kickin' free apps.
We hope you like this one, and we're VERY open to any suggestions you have on how we can make it better. We'll try to integrate whatever we can. Bare in mind please that the apps are free and we only earn from the ads, but we'll try to dedicate whatever we can to make this one, one of your very favorite apps.
If you do like it, please tell your friends! If you don't like it, we know a nice jungle in Borneo...
CURRENT - ver. 1.0 - That's right the very first one, so no updates yet. "Akan Datang" as they say in Borneo. (translated-"Coming Soon")
This app was designed to work on iOS 4.0, or later. It has been tested to work on:
- iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4
Please confirm if you have it working on something else, and we'll add it to the list.
This app is fan originated, and has no affiliation with, or endorsement by any team or the MLB/NHL/NBA/NCAA/EPL/AARP/NRA/GOP, or in fact pretty much anyone. (except our mother who says she thinks the app is very nice.)
We're just some goofs with day jobs trying to make a better app for sports fans like you (and us). All images, trademarks, copyrights and opinions contained in this app remain the property of their original owners, whoever they may be. We've tried really hard not to violate any of them! Please don't sue us if we did...really.