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Bibbia Libri Poetici 1.0
Screen Shots:
A special edition of the “annoteBook” by Dathlon.
The five Poetical Books of the Bible in the italian translation CEI 2008, free for you in annotable version:
• Giobbe
• Libro dei salmi
• Proverbi
• Qoelet
• Cantico dei cantici
Text taken from the website - Not commercializable version.
All this in the new updated version of the reading application provided with exceptional new features: your notes (each line can be annotated) can be transferred through your computer to other copies of this e-book (a Wi-Fi connection is required); you can send a poem by e-mail; you can transform your notes in an unlimited number of bookmarks and much more.
Main features:
• Index of poems
• The index has a Favorite section
• Notes can be written for each verse
• NEW: Notes can be saved on a computer/copied from a computer (in this way they can be transferred to another copy of the book)
• Automatic bookmark: by reopening the application you will be automatically repositioned where you left the reading
• NEW: Unlimited annotable bookmarks on single lines
• NEW: In-application e-mail of the poems
• Powerful search engine by words
• Easy reading with a choice of font sizes
• Landscape reading with big font
• Choice of background page color for reading under different ligth conditions
• "Poem of the Day": a random poem from the collection
• NEW: Complete guide
Available annoteBooks by Dathlon
In English:
Dante: Divine Comedy
Lewis Carroll: 101 Poems
Shakespeare: Sonnets
Milton: Paradise Lost - Regain’d
Shelley: Poems, vol. 2 - 3
Blake: Complete poems
In Italian:
Dante: Divina Commedia
Omero: Odissea
Omero: Iliade
Virgilio: Eneide
Ariosto: Orlando Furioso
Tasso: Gerusalemme Liberata
Leopardi: Canti
Foscolo: Tutte le poesie
Tassoni: La Secchia Rapita
D’Annunzio: Laudi
Carducci: Opere
D’Annunzio: Versi d’Amore
Petrarca: Le Rime
Pascoli: Tutte le poesie
Boiardo: Orlando Innamorato
In French
Baudelaire: Fleurs du Mal et d’autres poèmes
Rimbaud: Poésies complètes
Verlaine: Poèmes - Volume 1
Hugo: Recueils poétiques
Bible: Livres poétiques