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Billy Bill Tracker 1.2.1
Screen Shots:
Say goodbye to overlooked bills, missed due dates and late fees!
Billy is the easiest and most convenient way to keep track of your bills.
Never again miss out on due dates and save on late fees. Billy is a reliable bill reminder app to help track and manage your bills the easiest and quickest way.
* With its user friendly interface, quickly and easily enter in your bills
* You will be constantly reminded of your bills on time with Billy's local notifications.
* Add recurring bills to Billy to be reminded every week, month or year about an upcoming bill.
* Information is safely stored and backed up in a secure cloud
Features of Billy:
Local Notifications
Even without opening your Billy app, local notifications will remind you of your upcoming bills.
Beautifully designed user interface
Its gorgeous user interface makes Billy very enjoyable to use.
Easily see all your bills in a list when you turn the phone to landscape orientation. It gives you better option in viewing your list.
Email bills
As an added reminder, Billy will send you an email reminder of bills that needed to be settled.
Add recurring bills
Bills can repeat every day, every week, every 2 weeks, every month, every 2 months, every quarter, every 6 month and every year
Double tap on the main screen to quickly add a new bill
url scheme added to work with Launch Center ( billy:// to open Billy or billy://addbill to add a new bill straight from launch center
Bills management has never been this easy.
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