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Brainhack 2.0 2.0
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Sleep. Relax. Meditate. Focus. Dream. All with the best digital drug right on your iPhone.
"Great binaural beats app, works great right away"
"Seemed unreal at first, but most of the programs worked for me. Great app!"
"It helps me sleep better than anything else I have tried"
"I have been trying to induce lucid dreaming for so many years...long story short, I JUST LOVE THIS APP!"
Hack your Brain to specific states of mind in minutes with BrainHack! Backed by the science of Binaural Beats, BrainHack uses proven and safe method to help you achieve required state of mind effortlessly. Precisely tuned pure Binarual Beats with no background noise whatsoever ensure you the best sessions.
BrainHack offers you 11 different states of mind in an easily usable interface. Just scroll a wheel, choose your preferred state and start BrainHack! You can now coax your Brain to the following states quickly with regular use.
Alertness - Helps you get alert and out of any sluggishness
Brain Power - Improves your Brain utilization capacity with regular use
Confidence - Enhances your self confidence by stimulation
Creativity - Get your creative juries flowing by setting this state
High Focus - If you have a task at hand that needs high concentration
Lucid Dreams - Induces lucid dreams by syncing your Brain waves to low theta
Meditate - Helps you withdraw into yourself easily
Relax - Calms your Brain down and helps you relax
Sleep Aid - Great way to slow your Brain waves and achieve sound sleep
Stress Release - Gets the chaos out of your Brain and soothes
Super Learning - Puts your Brain on a high attention mode for maximum learning.
Try using BrainHack in relax mode after your fitness workout and see the difference for yourself.
There are also four ambient noise settings to help you improve your productivity in a noisy environment if you would like : Stream, Rain, Universe and White noise.