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Budgetcare 2.0.1
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★ Featured in "Money Matters" in many European countries!
★ Featured in "What's Hot" in many countries around the world!
★ BudgetCare in Top 10 iPhone Applications for 2009, by
BudgetCare is useful, very simple and easy to use application for tracking your personal expenses. BudgetCare has excellent and intuitive user interface and provides powerful features of showing statistics with diagrams and pie charts.
All straightforward BudgetCare features are just few taps away, it can be used anywhere and anytime on the go. No special preparations or setup needed to start using it. BudgetCare is very intuitive and user friendly – you won't need a manual to figure out how it works. Just run it and write down what you spend money on every day.
BudgetCare supports iOS 4 with miltitasking.
- Clean, simple, and easy to use native iPhone user interface.
- Fast & easy input of transactions.
- Designed for everyday usage for tracking your expenses.
- Home screen showing summary of your current expenses.
- Recurring expenses with flexible settings.
- View all entries of each recurring transaction.
- Schedule future expenses with notification.
- Browse daily / weekly / monthly / yearly lists of expenses.
- Each view in statistics is presented in diagram or pie chart with detailed info.
- Switch between $ and % in pie charts.
- Flexible reports for separate categories and subcategories.
- Annual reports divided by categories or months.
- Fast and easy jump to any date.
- Search by amount spent, note, category, or payment type.
- View all recurring and scheduled expenses.
- Browse list of all entries generated for recurring transactions.
- Sort search results by date, category or payment.
- Set total monthly budget and track it visually.
- View categories with most and least amount of expenses.
- View current balance, and average daily / weekly amounts.
- Browse budget & expenses summary for past months.
- Built-in list of categories and subcategories.
- Modify and rearrange the list to match your actual needs.
- Flexible settings easy to understand.
- Choose currency ($, ₤, €, ¥) or not specify currency at all.
- Set starting month date & week day.
- CSV export of your expense records via e-mail.
BudgetCare is recommended for everyone who cares about controlling his or her expenses and wants to live on a budget. It’s easy to do with BudgetCare!
BudgetCare Reviews:
"Save your day, save your money with BudgetCare."
"BudgetCare is a neat app that anyone would find easy to use."
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