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Caltrainme 1.1.2
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CaltrainMe is a transit application for Caltrain© commuter rail.
Completely offline operation with no internet access required.
No more wait period for schedule data updates! CaltrainMe updates data directly from the same day it's published!
The application works on all generations of iPhone© and iPod© touch (requires iOS 3.0+) and iPad©.
What this application does:
- Provides accurate schedules about trains between stations
- Calculates possible transfers when no direct trains available
- Quickly shows the next three trips between stations
- Remembers the last used stations
- Switch between weekday and weekend schedules
- Accurate schedules for special weekday holidays
- Full schedule for easy look up by required depart/arrive time
- Conveniently highlights the next trip
- Fare pricing with zone information
- Periodic check for schedule data updates if enabled
- Instantly updates from when new schedules are published
- Share trip details via email/messaging
- Handsome Caltrain© system map
- GPS and Google© Maps integration to find nearest station
- And it does it all for FREE!
What this application doesn't do yet:
- Shuttle bus information
- Alerts or service advisories information
- Bookmark favorite stations
- Bother you with any ads (and will never do)
Caltrain© is a California commuter rail line that operates between San Francisco and Santa Clara Valley.
This application is not affiliated with or sponsored by Caltrain© commuter rail.