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Cashtrails With Sync Expense And Income Tracker 2.0.6
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Ever wondered how much you spend on your girlfriend? What about gas and coffee? Bring your money under control. CashTrails will make this easy for you, featuring:
• Tracking both expenses and income.
• Seamless sync via iCloud.
• Support for multiple accounts and transfers between them.
• All records, accounts, tags, parties and groups can be edited or deleted at any time.
• Photo attachments.
• Passcode protection to hide your financial data from unwanted eyes.
• Recurring records, both expenses and incomes, with rich frequency options.
• History to view and adjust your previous records.
• Tags to organize your records the way you like.
• Ability to specify vendors/payees and clients/payers (parties).
• Groups to separate your regular expenses from business or holiday trips.
• Time of records is recorded as well.
• "Refund" records.
• Calculator.
• Instant reports for any period of time and kind of expenses.
• Timeline bar graph reports for days, weeks and months, with whatever filter you set.
• Structure of expenses and income, split by tags, parties, accounts or groups, in percentages and absolute amounts, for any report filter.
• Daily, weekly and monthly averages.
• Reports for particular hours.
• Instant account balances.
• Report filter presets - switch between your favorite reports with just a tap.
• Full support for over 160 world currencies.
• Quick toggle between the currencies you're using most often.
• Currency conversion, with both automatically retrieved and user-defined exchange rates.
• Ability to analyze your records in a spreadsheet using CSV export.
• Backup and restore CashTrails data and settings.