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Chaikin Power Tools 1.4.11
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Invest like the pros. Find the winners. Drop the losers.
Named one of "Wall Street's 10 Best Apps" by Wall St. & Technology
Decision-making tools previously available only to Wall Street professionals … developed by stock market expert, Marc Chaikin. Even large hedge fund managers don’t have access to these sophisticated tools!
Make informed Buy/Sell decisions in seconds.
• Complex financial data is distilled into easily understood green/red displays to simplify your Buy/Sell decisions.
• Makes stock analysis fast and easy – no more sorting through reams of data.
• Monitor the health of your stocks with the Chaikin Power Gauge rating, a back-tested 20-factor stock rating model proven successful at identifying stocks which will out- or under-perform the market.
• Charts include the widely used Chaikin Money Flow indicator.
• Chaikin Power Gauge Reports on over 5,000 U.S. stocks can be purchased for $1.99 each, or unlimited for $9.99 for one month. Reports are updated daily.
• Trade stocks and options instantly in the app, with an account at optionsXpress or tradeMONSTER.
Chaikin Power Tools alerts you 24/7 to important events that may affect the value of your stocks:
• Create a personalized watchlist of stocks.
• Real-time Alerts include breaking news stories, earnings surprises, and earnings estimate revisions.
• Unique Twitter activity Alerts.
The Chaikin Power Gauge Rating, the centerpiece of the app, is based on a 20-factor model that is updated daily.
• Sort your stocks by Chaikin Power Gauge rating to identify the potential winners and losers in your portfolio.
• Scroll through stocks by industry group to find attractive investment ideas.
• Drill down to see each of the 20 factors, Charts, Fundamentals and real-time News Sentiment.
About Marc Chaikin
• Recently named to the list of “Top Wall Street Experts and Opinion Leaders” by Wall Street Economists
• Developed the first real-time analytics workstation for portfolio managers and stock traders.
• Created the widely-used Chaikin Oscillator and Chaikin Money Flow indicators whose predictive value has made them industry standards.
• After 40 years on Wall Street, he created Chaikin Power Tools to empower individuals with the same professional-quality stock tools used by the pros.