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Christmas Cookies Holiday Cookies Baked By Angels 1.0
Screen Shots:
❃ Heavenly recipes!
❃ Made with love!
Isn’t it great to watch the most cosy season of the year approaching steadily?
The season of baking delicious biscuits in a warm kitchen, together with our loved ones.
The season of enjoying the wonderful flavours and scents reminiscent of our childhood.
The season of many small, happy moments.
Just smell it!
Mmh, isn't that the heavenly scent of honey, cinnamon and almonds, of home-made biscuits, tasting above all of the love that went into baking them?
Easy to make and enchantingly delicious, our favourite childhood biscuits and assorted new creations from Heaven's bakery will evoke the festive pre-Christmas mood.
❃ Carefully Selected Variety:
Only the best recipes for incomparable pleasure
❃ Quality Taste and Value:
All cookies are selected and prepared
with an eye for detail by our food experts
❃ Made with Love:
Each recipe comes with atmospheric images
and a detailed description
❃ Step-by-Step Recipes:
Easily comprehensible step-by-step instructions
- you’ll love it!
❃ Shopping List:
Add the recipes to the app's shopping list and cross of the ingredients while shopping.
❃ Baking Book:
Save all your favourite recipes in your integrated personal baking book.
❃ All about Spices:
Browse our short section on spices and learn what you always wanted to know about the most popular winter spices and their wonderful health and wellness effects!
❃ Pre-Christmas Joy:
All recipes are made with passion