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Core Yoga 2.2.1
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The best 11-minute daily yoga program for toning your abs.
Core Yoga contains 7 classic yoga asanas that will strengthen and tone your entire core. You’ll become more flexible and increase your muscle strength all over your abdomen. Core Yoga is easy enough for beginners, but effective enough for advanced practitioners of yoga to feel the burn too.
Breathing is an essential component of yoga and is often neglected. The movements of the asanas are timed to the rate of your breathing. During the exercises you will inhale during movements which expand the chest, and exhale during movements which contract the chest.
In yoga, there is an axiom: "You are only as old as your spine". The stronger and more flexible your spine, the younger you are. Exercises which promote flexibility will also promote your overall health, and improve your coordination and balance.
This app is not an encyclopedia of yoga poses, but rather a structured series of exercises designed to improve your core muscles and flexibility. The exercises are guided by musical cues that enforce the proper timing and synchronizes your movements with your breathing, the virtual yoga instructor provides visual cues eliminating the need for distracting voice overs so your exercise can be a truly mindful experience.
This app builds on Saagara's flagship app "Universal Breathing: Pranayama", an application that guides you to slower, deeper breathing. If you want to build up your stamina and maximize effective breathing, we recommend that you also check out our app Pranayama. It will guide you to more effective breathing and will help you become fitter and less stressed!