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Currency Banknotes 2.0
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♦♦♦ Featured Top 5 Smart Apps for Currency Conversion by Mashable ♦♦♦
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Praises and reviews for Currency Banknotes:
"Knowing what money is supposed to look like can help you from getting ripped off. It's also a nice feature..." --Mashable
“The convenience of a dollar app with this much functionality is hard to argue with.” –The iPhone App Review
“Useful and productive apps are always something to keep permanently on your device. Currency Banknotes is exactly this with its many functions that suit everyone whether traveling or not.” –Cool iPhone Apps
"Currency Banknotes takes all your money conversion worries away" –AppVader
“A flawlessly functional and stylish currency converter app” –What’s On iPhone
"An easy and clever way to converting your currency. This app has features more than its value." --iPhone App Reviews Online
"This app is too cool for school because besides handling the currency conversions for more than 150 of the world’s major currencies, it also offers photos of said currency.This app has replaced my old Oanda Currency Converter in my iPhone Travel folder." --Aviation Queen
“Clever thinking.” –
"Your best friend while traveling." --Mountain Weekly News
Currency Banknotes is the godfather of all currency converters, as it is the ONLY app that offers a practical and VISUAL experience when it comes to converting currencies. This app lets you:
+ View banknote or currency images
+ See colored images of paper bills from numerous countries worldwide
+ Convert 150+ currencies in real time from all over the world
+ Zoom in and out of banknote images with ease
+ Instantly calculate the conversion rates of the top 10 currencies of the world
+ See pictures of RARE and HARD-TO-FIND banknotes or currency images
This app not only lets you convert currencies, it allows you to actually SEE what banknotes from different countries look like. Perfect for travelers and for people who are just curious to see what paper bills look like all over the world. Witness the cultures of different countries. Get a glimpse of their art, architecture, and people through their paper bills.
Currency Banknotes is a very simple currency converter, with a user-friendly interface. It also allows you to convert currencies across 150+ countries. In a rush? You can choose to instantly calculate conversion rates from the top 10 currencies, all in one page, saving you time and effort.
Banknote Images:
This app contains a banknote gallery from over 150 countries all over the world, including rare and very hard to find paper bills. It lets you zoom in and out of images, to let you see what the banknotes look like in full detail. With Currency Banknotes, you can access the banknote viewer through the exchange rate calculator so that you can quickly see what the paper bills look like for the currencies that you’re converting. If you only want to view the banknote images alone, you can easily access the gallery through the app’s Images tab.
This app also allows you to save up to ten currencies of your choice, so that you can quickly and easily convert the most important currencies that you need all at the same time.
Search Feature:
Additionally, you can access the countries/currencies that you need simply by typing the name (or part of the name) of the country or currency that you’re looking for. No more scrolling down numerous currencies and countries, Currency Banknotes immediately displays the currencies that you need.
Sources: and Yahoo! Finance
Most banknote images are properties of