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Debt Hd Free 2.2
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Top 1 iPad overall (US) finance app developer offers: Debt End app is here to help you clear your debt. Get out of debt fast with brand new Debt End app! Download now! ►►
Debt End helps you organize, manage and pay off your debts. Best of all, it includes tools to help you plan and analyze the results of using the Snowball Method, the debt-clearing model recommended by leading debt advisors.
★★★★★ "Great app for keeping on target with paying down debt."
★★★★★ "Keeps track of my debt and gives me an idea of how long before being debt free!"
✔ Universal iOS application
- Debt End is designed for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad devices. Buy once to use on all of your devices!
✔ One simple form to manage all of your debts
- Debt End runs from one clear Main Screen, which shows you how far you are towards clearing each individual debt, as well as where you stand overall in terms of ridding yourself of debt entirely.
✔ One Tap to enter a payment
- The application creates a fixed payment schedule for you. Payments can be entered quickly by tapping on corresponding check marks.
✔ Easy and flexible payment entry
- Debt End’s custom payment form gives you complete flexibility. As you enter a proposed payment Debt End displays a hint showing what the distribution of this payment between principal and percentage would be like.
✔ Track Expenses
- You can track new purchases or borrowings that affect your credit card or loan balance. Debt End updates loan balances automatically.
✔ Amortization schedule
- The application generates amortization schedules for you with all the payments calculated taking into account the specific parameters you have entered for each loan.
- Use filter to display and calculate Total Interest and Total Principle for:
✧ Scheduled payments
✧ Paid payments
✧ All payments
✔ ✧ Advanced ✧ mortgage and loan calculators:
- Debt End app supports loan types with the following parameters:
✧ Fixed and ARM Interest rate
✧ Monthly and Daily Interest Accrual
✧ Term in Years and Months
✧ Minimum Payment in “$” and “%”
✔ Debt Free Date calculator
- Debt Free Date calculated automatically and displayed on the summary overview widget.
- Individual Pay Off Date displayed under each of your debts.
✔ Several Pay Off Strategies (Snowball Method)
- Enter the extra payment you can afford to make each month, and model when you’ll be free of debt and how much you’ll save depending on the Pay Off Strategy you choose:
✧ Highest interest rate
✧ Lowest balance
✧ Highest balance
✧ Custom order
✔ Export via Email
- Professionally formated HTML
- Includes full amortization shedules
- Includes detailed info about each of your debts
✔ Powerful reports
- Interactive 3D Pie Chart diagram shows the structure of your remaining debt from various angles:
✧ Principle (Paid/Scheduled)
✧ Interest (Paid/Scheduled)
✧ Monthly Payment
✧ Savings (Paid/Scheduled)
- Remaining Balance report lets you model Snowball Pay Off scenario and view exactly how it would affect your situation.
✔ Payment Due Date Notifications
- Turn on Payment Due Date Notification for each of your debts.
✔ PIN-protected data
- Set up a PIN code to protect your entries and keep your finances private!
- iCloud support will allow you to have your data in sync between all of your devices.
- More features.
Debt End is a well designed and thought out app that will help you rid yourself of debt for good. It does this by showing you where you stand from day to day, and helping you to work o