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Denominations 1.0.1
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Denominations is a useful currency converter.
Imagine, you find yourself in a restaurant, touring a beautiful country while on vacation. The waitress brings you the check, and you whip out your wallet. You pay the bill and then scratch your head, trying to figure out how much Monopoly money you just spent.
Denominations enables you to think in another currency.
Pull out your iPhone, and Denominations shows you the current conversion rate from your native currency to the local one. Better than a calculator, Denominations shows you information you can understand at a glance.
Don’t have a data plan while you’re on vacation? No problem: Denominations downloads the latest conversion rates every fifteen minutes while you’re online, and doesn’t forget the rates once the connection goes away.
You’ll love it.
Denominations currently supports 35 currencies, which are listed on the website:
Support for even more currencies is under way, and will be available soon.
Support for all major currencies of the world is planned. If you want support for a particular currency sooner rather than later, please get in touch.
Twitter: @denominations