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Developing Powerful Visions And Inspiring People With Them 1.0
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Today it is a fact that everywhere we look, we're we are reminded that our world is in trouble. Numerous people have lost their jobs, companies are closing their doors, and fellow humans are having less faith in themselves.
It's hard to feel confident in tough times.
But, you can learn how to come through not only this crisis, but any crisis that should come your way.
Confidence means expecting a positive outcome that's both a cause and a result from winning. It teaches us how to how to react to circumstances that we can’t control, giving us the belief in ourselves, teammates, systems and processes, and network.
Here is what you will learn inside...
★ Chapter 1: Visions that Work – Realizable Visions
★ Chapter 2: Building Your Vision – What Would You Need?
★ Chapter 3: Passionate Thinking Vs Rational Thinking
★ Chapter 4: Taking Your First Strides toward Reaching Your Goals
★ Chapter 5: Getting People to Envision with You
★ Chapter 6: Like Noah to Your People
★ Chapter 7: The Roadblocks and the Cynics
★ Chapter 8: From a Visionary to a Leader
★ Chapter 9: Reaching Your Goals – Does Your Vision End there?
★ Chapter 10: Visions 2.0 – New Trends for the New Millennium
*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $15.99) ***
Get it now before promotion ends!