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Dlists Shopping List Lists 2.13.1
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dLists is a simple, practical, fast way to compose a list. Despite the fact that dList was initially developed as a Groceries List App, you can really make any kind of check list with it!
. Grocery List;
. Party List;
. Wedding Guests List;
. Dates List;
. Wish List;
. Pharmacy Items List;
. Todo List;
. Any kind of List!
The idea is to keep things simple. Choose the List's name, its KIND, its date, select the items to place inside it and that’s it!
These are some cool features dLists has:
+ KINDS: every list you create has a kind (Groceries, music, todo etc). The items you create for a given kind won't get mixed up with the other items!);
+ EMAIL your lists to anyone you want! dLists let you email a list in text format so any device can read it (PCs, MACs, iPhones, other cellphones…);
+ CUSTOM ORDER VIEW: you can arrange your dLists' items in any order you want!
+ PICK UP ORDER VIEW for groceries items: by tapping a single button, dLists can organize all your groceries items in an order so your ice-cream won’t melt, and your light stuff won’t be smashed by the big ones;
+ Simple kept simple: dLists does not keep track of price tags, unities and those kind of things. Just the characteristics you’ll really use! Although you can use an OBS field to enter any data you want;
+ Duplicate Lists: no need to erase or modify a list you did some time ago. dLists let you quick create a duplicate of any list! Fast and simple;
+ FILTER CATEGORIES: as you enter new items like your friends names to invite to parties, groceries items to buy, pharmacy items, Xmas gifts etc, your products screen will be very crowd. dLists can help you selecting items to put in your lists by allowing you to FILTER the categories you want to show!
+ CHECKED ITEMS organized view: as you select an item in a given list, dLists automatic puts it away to a new special category called “Checked Items”. This way, as you check the items, your list gets smaller and smaller, making it easy to see what’s left to be picked up!
Well, it’s a simple app that does a lot for you. A lot of new features will be available soon as FREE UPDATES!
Check it out: dLists is a wonderful app. Well, as the app developer I am suspected to say that, but I am pretty sure you will agree with me when you touch it. My mom loves it! ;-)
Yappler-Tags: lists, grocery, to do, organize, wish list, xmas list, check list, date list