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Draw Notes Pro 1.0
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"Draw Notes Pro" will make you feel more relax, fun, and easy to create variety of glow artworks!
"Draw Notes Pro" is elegantly designed with the high flexibility adjustments, vivid glow colors, and many options.
What can "Draw Notes Pro" do?
+ Glow/light paintings.
+ Fireworks.
+ Twinkle stars.
+ Animated text arts.
+ And much more with unlimited settings + your imaginations.
Text, Images, Lists, Headers, Photos,'ll never be limited to boring notes again!
• Images, photos and drawings can be inserted right inside the note.
• Easy creation of bulleted lists, numbered lists, checkbox lists.
• Bold text headings can be used to organize the note contents into logical sections.
• Choose from a stunning variety of note backgrounds and fonts.
• Keep your notes organized with categories.
• Categories can be password-protected for privacy.
• Find notes quickly using the full-text search.
• E-mail notes as rich HTML e-mails.
• Print note to any AirPrint compatible printer.
+ High details graphics for iPhone 4 Retina display and iPad.
+ Colorful (ANIMATED) Glow Particles.
+ Smooth and fun to play.
+ Unlimited styles of particles settings.
+ Support All Apple Devices: iPhone4, iPad, iPod Touch.