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Egencia Tripnavigator 3.0.4
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Egencia® is the business travel brand of Expedia, Inc., the world’s largest travel company. Egencia® TripNavigator is our new “smart travel companion” app for business travelers. Users always know what's next on the trip; and can stay on track with flight alerts, online check-in, directions and more. Support from Egencia® Travel Consultants is just a tap of the app away – helping you stay productive while on the road and as travel changes happen, expectedly or unexpectedly.
Egencia TripNavigator app features:
∙[NEW] Hotel Shopping and Booking for nearly 200,000 hotels
∙[New] Redesigned trip view, showing flight, car, hotel, and rail booking details displayed in the order of the next action you need to take on your trip
∙[New] Flight Alerts - including check-in, flight delays, cancellations and gate changes
∙Online check-in at your fingertips
∙[New] Interactive maps for all trip stages including specific directions to hotels, airports, train stations and car rental locations
∙[New] Terminal maps for all airports
∙ Egencia® AssistMe: a simpler way to get help from Egencia Travel Consultants when you need it, with a tap of the app
U.S. ONLY -- Egencia AssistMe with Callback functionality (beta) is currently available for select U.S. travelers and delivers a faster, more personalized experience with Egencia's Travel Consultants. The new app conveniently allows users to request a callback anytime, while sending your itinerary and traveler information to the Egencia Travel Consultant ahead of time.
Remember, to use this app, your company needs to be an Egencia client. To take a tour, click on "Explore.” Find out more by visiting