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Eq Life Keep Your Feeling Dairy 1.0
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You may notice that you're happier at work at certain times, and at other times, you're annoyed or frustrated. Pay attention to these feelings or moods. By identifying them, you can start to determine a pattern so that you can increase the amount of time you're happy and reduce the occurrence of negative emotions.
Stay on top of your feelings at work by keeping a feelings diary, with following steps:
1. Write the times of the day, in one-hour increments.
2. Record your current feeling next to the time.
3. Next to your feeling, record the most recent event that occurred.
4. Mark each feeling as positive (+), negative (-)
5. Work your way down the negative feelings, one at a time. Note the situations that lead to the negative feelings. Start to look for patterns.
6. Go through all the positive items that you've checked.
7. Come up with ways that you can increase the number and quality of the good situations and decrease the frequency of the negative ones.
8. For the negative patterns, investigate whether they're related to a particular hassle or anxiety.
9. Try to use the patterns to identify any areas of weakness that you may need to address.
Enjoy it and make your life easier!