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Excel Csv File Editor And .xls .xlsx File Converter V3.0.4
Screen Shots:
* Open any .xls/.xlsx file in this application and convert .xls/.xlsx file to .csv file ( When you convert .xls file to .csv file our application is keeping cell's background colour, borders, alignment details while it is converting file contents.)
* Create/Update Excel .csv(comma separated text) files which could have unlimited rows ( 77 columns each row) or convert .xls file to .csv file than update it.
* Barcode scanner button has been added on the bottom of the keyboard to easy collect barcode data or scan barcode to search barcode number in the .csv file (Spreadsheet view),
* AirPrint function to print csv/html/xls/xlsx file,
* E-Mail function to send your file to someone,
* Convert your spreadsheet to xml format(with all format details like colour,border,etc). When you send that xml file to any person who can edit spreadsheet in Excel or compatible application.
* Convert your spreadsheet to html format. When you send that html file to any person who can see spreadsheet with all formatting details in any internet browser.(Colors,borders, etc)
* Edit any .csv file as form, as spreadsheet or notepad view. (Form view is using first 2 rows of the file as column label. )
* Set private folder password to protect private files,
* Sort data by column (Ascending or Descending),
* Flexible button panel design for all versions, and easy access buttons for iPad spreadsheet viewer,
* Copy files between documents folder and private folder.
* Transfer files thru iTunes into the application documents folder or open it from e-mail attachment,
* Change any row/column/cell colour (spreadsheet view),
* Set column width (application will keep column widths),
* Cut,Copy,Paste,Hide,Unhide,Add,Delete row/column,
* Set background colour of cell/row/column,
* Find a word in the csv file.
* Cursor Right,Left,Up,Down buttons has been added bottom of the keyboard to easy navigate and easy data entry.
* When you save .csv file , this application is going to keep row and column position on the screen. You could re-start from same point when you re-open.
The column header is keeping on the top of the table so whatever your row number is you could see column labels.
You can swipe your finger on the table to get previous/next columns.
There is a search bar so you can write some letters on there and find it from the spreadsheet.
When you finish your update you could send file to someone with e-mail.
You could use this application for a lot of reasons such as sales price list, sales order, product list, etc. So, You can create an order form file and you could enter customer orders on the file then send that to your company.
* Open csv file attached with e-mail (When you open attached file (you need to hold your finger onto attached file name and choose Csv file editor to copy ) it will copy itself into this application.) ,
You could open 2 different or same .csv file on iPad and you could check/compare together(iPad only). If you need you can compare one column from each of them and if they match it then you could copy one column from second table into first table. (You do not have to compare anything you could just select one column/row from second csv + copy button then you could paste that into first csv.)
List seperator parameter is in iPhone/iPad settings menu.
All functions of this application has been tested several times with different devices.
This application is compatible with iPod Touchs, iPads, iPhone 3gs,4,4s,5.
* You do not need to connect internet to edit your files. All files will be on your iPhone/iPad.
*** Do not worry about how to use this application ! Detailed help file included with this application.
*** Direct e-mail button to dedicated customer service advisor.
Note : if you have any problem