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Execute Personal Training Assistant 1.0
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The Execute App puts Personal training and expert guidance at your fingertips making maximizing your fitness potential easy.
Based on the proven body transformation system of IFBB pro bodybuilder, Jeff Willet, this App gives you the perfect weight training and cardiovascular training plans to reach your goals. All you need to do is execute!
Execute features includes:
-Detailed exercise execution instructions
-Easy to use "picker wheels" to log your daily workout numbers quickly and conveniently.
-Progress tracker charts your progress overtime
-Motivational achievements are unlocked as you reach specified goals
-Facebook and twitter integration.
-Detailed weight training and cardiovascular training workouts generated based on your primary fitness goals.
The current version will generate a workout plan for you based on your primary fitness goals and your condition. The plan is designed by Jeff Willet and set up to enable you to maximize your potential.
The ability to modify and customize workouts will be coming soon with our future updates.
Stay tuned for more exciting news related to the Execute App and be the first to know by following us on Twitter: