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Facial Exercises Yoga Today 1.1
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The face is the first thing people notice, and is a large component of your first impression with people.
Why then is it never exercised or worked out when it is so easy?
★★★★★ Vezelma - "Great app! Very valuable face exercises with a daily workout routine for your face. I am just beginning week 4, and I can see a tremendous difference in my 67 year young face. By the time I complete 6 months of these exercises I plan to look as young as the fellow who is demonstrating the exercises. :-) I would recommend this app to anyone who wants better muscle tone in their face with the side result of stronger bones in their jaw and face as well."
★★★★★ Jaime Wilson - The exercises are in video format from a funny guy who explains them and demonstrates for you. They definitely give your face a workout! These simple and fun exercises are really all you need to work out your face. Big thanks to the app creator!"
With Facial Exercises Yoga you can follow step by step Video training that teaches you how to exercise each specific muscle on your face to achieve drastic results in a small amount of time.