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Fat Tire Bucket List 1.0
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★ Every mountain biker's bucket list. ★
Epic rides.
Shuttle runs.
Meccas of mountain biking.
Ski resorts for summer downhill and freeride.
These are the finest of wines and the stinkiest of cheeses in the mountain biking world.
Consider it your to-do list for the next few decades. It's not comprehensive - yet - but we want it to be. Tell us your favorite places to ride, where you go back to again and again. Spread the fat tire love!
★ About the Author ★
Cal Blake has been riding bikes for twenty years. He grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and raced a couple of seasons for the Ritchey Junior Devo Team. He currently lives in San Francisco.
Cal owns six bikes and lives to ride.
★ About Sutro Media ★
This guide is published in partnership with Sutro Media. By enabling local writers to share their expertise on mobile phones, Sutro Media is making it easier and more fun to explore the world!
If you have any problems, comments, or suggestions for improvement, we'd love to hear from you -