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Fit To Run Kettlebells And Core 1.0
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Top personal trainer, strength coach and author Samuel Pont instructs and leads you through a complete core conditioning workout designed for the novice jogger up to elite level runner; to improve performance, reduce running related injury and make running easier all round! If your looking to run a 5k or marathon this is the essential app for you. . The workout can be completed with a kettlebell or dumbbell.
Core work is an essential part of any runners training, without it running can be hard on the body and performance and enjoyment of running will always suffer.
In less than a 20 minute workout Samuel will show you the most effective techniques and how to implement them within your own training. Samuel not only covers conditioning techniques in this app but essential runners stretches to prevent over used muscles becoming shortened and tight that can lead to postural problems and injury.
Then Samuel will lead you on the follow along workout drills that can be taken anywhere on your I phone, I pod Touch or I pad. All videos are self -contained within the app so you can train with Samuel any time Regardless of signal!
A complete top level instructional and workout DVD for a fraction of the cost!
Samuel has trained countless endurance athletes from top level ultra marathon runners to those simply looking to complete a 5k fun run- he has improved all their performance and kept them injury free. Jogging need not be painful or hard with correct core conditioning!
-13 follow along instructional clips clearly demonstrating how to perform each move, time to learn from one of the best personal trainers around!
Movements Covered-
-The Swing
-The Clean
-The Snatch
-The One Hand Swing
-The Turkish Get Ups
-The Plank
-The Side Plank
-The Dynamic Side Plank
-The WoodChop
-The Hip Up
-The lower Ab
-The Squat to Kick
-The Lunge Under Leg Pass
Then it’s time to complete the follow along conditioning drills with Samuel, as he leads and instructs you the whole way though the workout. Then on the cool down Samuel will lead you through the best sports specific stretches ideal for jogging and running.