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Flashkeys 1.2
Screen Shots:
This is a small program made in Flash to emulate a fullscreen virtual keyboard.
This keyboard is fullscreen and always seen in horizontal way (landscape).
It requires Flash 7 installed in your Pocket PC. If you don't have it yet, get it for free here:
This EXE has no install, just copy it to any place in your Pocket PC.
You can customize the:
- Text color
- Keypad Skins
- Background image
- Pre-made personal sentences
- English version
You have three screens with keys:
- Normal
- Capital letters
- Special characters
In all of them you can delete the last character, erase all the text or COPY, this last key has two effects:
- Places all the copied text in memory
- Closes the application
Afterwards, you can choose where to paste the text, either on a SMS, a note, email, or any other application where you can use the PASTE command (or CTRL+V).
- Keypad sound.
- Customized key alignment.
- Screen rotation.
- New default skin (just because).
- Minimize+copy.
To configure the keys sound just alter the IDsom line in mydata.txt. You may also change that on screen.
Almost all keys are configurable now, with the exception of the characters % & ) = + that cannot be dynamic because they interfere with the code.
Do note that some keys. to help the witting process, jumped to the first screen so that the user could continue witting, keys such as é ã ó, etc.
There is now the option to choose your screen rotation as default, just change the variable on mydata.txt. Or, during use, you can always press left/right (or up/down, depending on the model) to rotate the screen at will.
You can change the skin anytime by pressing up/down on your keypad (or left//right, depending on the model).
To customize your favorite skin, text color, personal sentences or use the English version, read the mydata-english.txt carefully. Then rename it to mydata.txt and place it in \Storage Card\Temp\FlashKeys (these folders are created the first time you run the software). If, for some reason its not there, then search your Pocket PC with a explorer software to seek out where your temp folder is.
You can make a skin yourself, just use the example in the EXTRAS folder. It needs to be a 230x320 JPG file placed in the \Storage Card\Temp\FlashKeys folder with the name back.jpg. In case your screen is rotated you need a second file named back2.jpg.
If, by any reason you need to exit the fullscreen, you can close the application with the COPY key or press ENTER on you keypad (the button in the middle of the directionals keys).
Place the EXE file where ever you want, make a shortcut or call it with a defined key on your Pocket PC, its your choice.