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Flightwise Chart Explorer 3.0.3
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** NOTE: An Internet connection is required to use Flightwise Chart Explorer. This app cannot and should not be used for in-flight navigation; it is for reference only! **
Flightwise Chart Explorer displays aviation maps - VFR sectional charts and IFR enroute charts, as well as standard road and satellite maps. Animated NEXRAD weather radar is displayed on top of the map, allowing you to see how the weather will affect your flight plans.
You can also overlay AIRMETs and SIGMETs right on top of the map, as well as a visible cloud layer and regional temperatures.
The map has the standard pinch/zoom capability which allows you to smoothly zoom and pan around the United States and see what the weather is like anywhere.
Chart Explorer currently only shows maps in the United States, and only in the 48 contiguous states - not Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico.
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