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Freevalet 1.0.1
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FreeValet helps you remember where you parked your car and for how long you've been parked as it is often cumbersome to remember all these details. You don’t have to walk around anymore, trying to find where you parked the car and worrying about how long its been since you've parked, FreeValet will show you the exact location of your car and will make sure you don't have to worry about the parking meter.
With a uniquely designed interactive reminder panel, FreeValet lets you set your required reminder easily and quickly, and alerts you if your meter is going to expire soon. Whether it's for a few minutes or days, FreeValet will let you create reminders and set pre-alert durations. It's also free and ad-free!
Great design
With a metallic look and feel and a carefully designed UI layout, FreeValet gives you a pleasant user experience and does not take a lot of your precious time. It lets you compose a parking info in minimal amount of time avoiding numerous taps.
Instant reminder
FreeValet helps you to create a reminder in a unique style. Reminders can vary from just mins to days according to your needs. Both countdown as well as date-time timer settings are supported to help you comfortably choose a parking duration.
Add location
You can add a parking location by using gps or otherwise and get directions to the location directly in the application. All three types of maps from Street, Satellite and Hybrid are supported. Also, FreeValet helps you find the directions to your car.
If you want to add some comments to your parking information, you can do so easily.
Add a photo
This might be crucial if you always require a pictorial way of remembering things.