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Freq 1.0
Screen Shots:
The Language of Music Translated Into the Format of Sound
The FreQ mobile application is a tool for working musicians. It will ease the pain associated with frustrating and unproductive sound checks, recording sessions and rehearsals by opening a line of communication to audio engineers, sound technicians and producers. FreQ is the common denominator in the struggle to equate the universal language of music with science of sound. It emulates the two instruments most often found in a musical environment, the piano and the guitar. By offering all 88 notes of the full piano keyboard and the corresponding 88 notes of a guitar, a musician can identify the problem; choose piano or guitar as the reference; then click on the associated note to reveal the FreQuency of that matching note.
FreQ will also playback the selected reference note.
As an example (The PIANO note A located in the 4th Octave = the GUITAR note A located on the 1st string 5th fret = frequency 440HZ). Both of these musical notes “A” resonate at a common frequency “440Hz .”
-Ease of use
-Ability to hear the selected note playback
-Convert any Musical Note to a Frequency
-Eliminate the need to use colors (too brown) or meteorlogical terms (too cloudy, muddy) to describe audio problems