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G.u.i.t.a.r. 1.9
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G.U.I.T.A.R. for the iPhone
Check out G.U.I.T.A.R. in action!
Just five minutes with G.U.I.T.A.R. and you'll see why it leaves other mobile instruments in the dust. As musicians, we are always looking for new things to inspire us to create. G.U.I.T.A.R. does just that. It is more than just a picture of a guitar that plays a few chords. This app combines In-depth music theory with real world mobile playability in a low latent, easy to use interface. Heres how it works:
The G.U.I.T.A.R. interface starts with picking a key. Each key has 9 default chords to play (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,3flat, and 7flat). When your finger selects a chord, a flying button menu follows you to give each chord alternative variations (sus, add9, 7's, Bass 5th, invert, Major/minor, and a mute option). If you don't feel like fooling around with the floating menu don't worry, G.U.I.T.A.R.'s default chords are designed to work together within each key using droning notes. (For more info on how to play check out the video tutorial).
This App Includes
- 5 Guitars
- realistic sound samples and response
- 2 modes for jamming (strum/tap)
- Bass guitar blend option
- Chords, keys, and a multitude of voicings
- Right and Left hand layouts
- Tons of chord variations
You'll be picking out your favorite tunes in no time.
Enjoy and check us out on Youtube!!!
- Mad Calf Apps