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Gabi Get The Most Out Of Facebook 2.0.2
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“An addictive iPhone app that curates Facebook feeds” –Forbes
Gabi filters your Facebook feed so you only see the things you actually want to see! Everything will be sorted and ranked, from the stuff that gets the most likes and comments, to the least.
In a certain mood, would you like browsing only status updates? At your command, Gabi will show you only statuses sorted by likes and comments. The same goes for pictures, videos and all your other juicy Facebook content.
Gabi is your daily dose of Facebook! It gives you quick, constant and entertaining updates on the best stuff happening on your Facebook feed. This way, you don’t need to check in as much. It’s a personal assistant app that tells you what’s up with your friend’s activity, events, updates.
You can see who’s sharing the best stuff and who’s giving you the most feedback and attention. You can like and comment on photos, videos, and status updates directly from Gabi. It’s also connected to Twitter, so you can tweet your findings!
Gabi learns from your preferences and provides a constant feed of your best Facebook content. It talks to you and lets you know when there’s something you shouldn’t miss. If a lot of your friends have RSVPed for a certain event, for instance, Gabi clues you in so you can check it out! If one of your friends recently changes her status to single, you’ll get a heads up. If there’s a video going around that a lot of your friends are liking, Gabi will let you know.
• Receive updates directly to your phone on the day’s best Facebook activity
• Get reminded about upcoming birthdays and events that are buzzing
• Find out when friends change their relationship status, or get married!
• Share rankings with your friends, letting them know who has the most friends, most popular photos, and status updates! Explore over 100 social factors
"Addictive" -The Verge
"Keeps you coming back for more" -Mashable
"A completely novel way of browsing [Facebook]...unlike any other interface I've seen" -TechCrunch
Tune into Facebook. Try Gabi now.