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Gfi Max Remote Management 1.3.2
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The GFI MAX RemoteManagement app allows IT Support Companies & Service Providers to manage customer's IT devices from iOS devices.
The iOS app is a front end to GFI MAX RemoteManagement’s cloud based software tool which is designed especially to help IT Support Companies look after customer’s remote IT Equipment - profitably!
GFI MAX RemoteManagement has fantastic tools for Monitoring, Patch Management, Pro-active Maintenance, Remote Support, Integrating with Helpdesk/PSA, Operational & Customer Reporting.
With GFI MAX RemoteManagement you’ll be up and running, doing good work for your customers within minutes and the software is provided on a “pay as you use basis” - avoiding any initial or huge up-front investment.
And, not only do you only pay for customers you use the software for, you only pay for features of the software you use, so you’ll always be able to relate expenditure to money or opportunities coming back to you.
All these advantages mean GFI MAX RemoteManagement is used by over 8,000 IT Support Providers worldwide for:
•Break/Fix Customer Relationships - Strengthen relationships, deliver faster support. Identify and prove the need for further billable pro-active work and system upgrades or replacements.
•Migrate Break/Fix Customers to Contract (or Managed Services) – Use MAX to offer incremental services which gently transition customers towards a Support Contract. Also, use MAX to build up a picture of customer equipment in order to price a support contract.
•Deliver IT (Managed Service) contracts - deliver both pro-active and re-active services speedily, efficiently and profitably!
GFI MAX RemoteManagement iOS app allows busy IT Support people to carry on their business wherever they are.