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Gold Tracker 2.4
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A Gold Tracker update for iOS 8 with some incredible new features is coming soon!
Welcome to Gold Tracker, the highest-rated and most popular precious metals app for iPhone and iPad.
Gold Tracker is a fantastic tool for any investor. With live quotes in over 150 currencies, you can keep track of metal prices in troy ounces, grams, kilograms, or pennyweights. Our new Vault feature allows you to get the specifics on your portfolio instantly. You simply enter how much of each metal you have and how much you paid for it, and Gold Tracker will do the rest. The Vault also supports over 150 currencies, so if you're buying gold in Costa Rica and tracking it in US Dollars, no problem! We also have charts and calculators available.
Gold Tracker has the most advanced calculator of any precious metals app on the App Store. We allow you to calculate metals in more than 150 currencies. You can calculate from live prices, or you can manually enter prices to calculate. Gold Tracker is also the only app to allow the user to enter ANY PURITY VALUE into the calculator. Finally, we allow you to factor in a commission or extra cost with the Percent of Spot field. Kiosk Mode then allows you to hide the percent of spot from your customers, which is perfect for making a calculation right in front of the customer!
• Up-to-the-minute quotes.
• We have prices in 150+ currencies.
• Prices in troy ounces, grams, kilograms, or pennyweights!
• How much did you make today? How much have you made total?
• See your average price and more.
• Keep track of your holdings in troy ounces, grams, kilograms, or pennyweights!
• Large, landscape charts for all metals.
• 24-hour, 30-day, 60-day, 6-month, 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year.
• Calculations in 150+ currencies.
• Only app to support entering ANY PURITY VALUE into the calculator! (Not limited to any list of purities.)
• Percent of Spot allows you to factor in a commission or extra cost.
• Calculate live OR custom prices.
• Kiosk Mode enables you to hide the percent of spot value you pay for metals while working in the calculators. Make your calculation right in front of the customer!
iPhone: Enable Kiosk Mode by tapping in the center of the top menu bar, where it says "Gold" or "Silver."
iPad: Enable Kiosk Mode by tapping in the center of the top menu bar, where it says "Gold Calculator" or "Silver Calculator."
• By purchasing this app, you are helping me save for college! Thank you for your support.
• Data from iTunes shows that most people who buy other metals apps are eventually dissatisfied and end up buying Gold Tracker.
• Got a great idea for a new feature in Gold Tracker? Send us an email and we'll check it out! We've been known to publicly thank and acknowledge users who have contributed to the program. (
• More than 25,000 lines of code go into the making of Gold Tracker!
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