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Great Food Nearby Ness 2.2.1
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Ness instantly recommends restaurants based on the kinds of places you like, what you're in the mood for, and where you are. Just like you discover music with Pandora or movies with Netflix, Ness learns your tastes as you rate, save and dismiss restaurants, then finds new places you'll love.
An Apple "App Store Best of 2012," and powered by over 5,000,000 ratings from Ness users, Ness is the fastest way to get restaurant recommendations for you, not the crowd.
What makes Ness different:
INSTANT: Get immediate recommendations based on the kinds of places you like, what you're in the mood for, and where you are
PERSONAL: Ness learns what you like – and what you don't – to recommend the best restaurants for you
FLEXIBLE: Easily adjust What, When, and Where to find the right place for any situation
BEAUTIFUL: Swipeable recommendation cards give you a quick sense for each restaurant
- Save your favorites - or new restaurants to try - to custom lists
- See your top rated places by city or cuisine, and compare tastes with your friends
- Make reservations via OpenTable, and view restaurant menus
- Switch to map view to see what's nearby
- Check out reviews and average ratings from other Ness users
- Connect with Facebook or foursquare and see where your friends have been
- Browse photos from Instagram to get a sense for a place, view hours of operation, get directions and more With over 600,000 restaurants across the US, your next lunch, dinner, coffee and more awaits.
Ness - Follow your tastes.
Ness is currently United States only.