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Gttsr 1.1
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The Going to the Sun Rally app is designed for both rally participants and for fans interested in classic cars. Get photos and descriptions of the rare vintage cars on the 2012 Going to the Sun Rally. For those attending the send-off, have fun reading about the cars as they roar off! If you aren't able to attend, have fun year round reading vehicle details and after the rally access the full route information you can drive yourself!
Rally participants get early access to the routes with turn by turn directions and important contact information. Participants also get more details on vehicle owners and cars.
About Going To The Sun Rally
Going To The Sun Rally is an exceptional rally. It has won the hearts of members who return year after year, because we travel through some of the most spectacular countryside in the world, but more so because, over the years, we have become a family of friends. We are small and friendly, and our shared love for cars and wide open spaces, combined with our commitment to giving back to the communities we travel, is what makes this rally distinctive. What Going To The Sun Rally gives back in charitable donations, is our small way of helping and hoping that Montana will remain The Last Best Place.
This is a charity event and all of the proceeds from the rally each year go to benefit a number of Montana organizations and causes. Total charity contributions to day exceed $380,000!