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Hereford United Fanchants Amp Football Songs 1.5
Screen Shots:
Real fanchants, by real fans, use as your ringtone and get em roaring through yer speakers.
This is the full monty - the whole collection of top terrace banter. - The No1 site for pro recorded & mastered football fanchants.
- The ONLY app for professionally recorded & mastered chants
- 100% original recordings; NO YouTube ripoffs
- MORE chants than any other app
- REAL football chants by real fans, roaring from your iPhone
“You know when you're at a ground and a few thousand bare-chested, fat blokes pipe up with a tune that everyone then joins in with but you're left sitting there miming like John Redwood at a Welsh karaoke because you can't understand a word they're saying? Let that never happen again, for has brought the best ditties to audio life, including Manchester City's emotive Your Suit's from Matalan and Yeovil's inviting Drink up thy cider. You'll never be lost for words again.” The Times Online
Give it a bash, over 185,000 iPhone users already have!
What does the app do?
- Your favourite fanchants to play straight from yer iPhone gadgetry anytime, anywhere. Get em roaring through yer speakers and use as a ringtone or alarm.
16 Hereford United fanchants included in this app:
See Screenshot for a sample.
It's easy to make yer favourite fanchant your ringtone, just hit 'Extras' in the app and follow the instructions to set up your ringtone.