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House Budget Manager 1.2
Screen Shots:
Take your House Budget into your control :
Our app "House Budget Manager" is having following features
* Create/Edit/Delete expenses and recurring expenses
* Browse expense entries by month, by category/date with the ability to drill-down
* associate an account and payee with an account
* Create/Edit/Delete income and recurring income
* associate an account with the income
Categories and Budget
* Create/Edit/Delete expense categories and sub-categories
* Set a budget, and track expenses at the category/sub-category level.
* Associate icons with the categories and reorder category display order
* Budget rollover
* Classify expenses into fixed, variable and discretionary and compute your disposable income
* Support for Accounts such as Checking, Savings, Credit, Debit, Cash, etc.
* Trend chart for Expense, Budget and Income for the last 6 months
* Pie/Bar charts for expense break-down
* Export data/reports by email or via WiFi
NOTE: if you have any queries or feedback about the application kindly mail us at