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Hr And Employee Management Advice 2.0.1
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Anyone can “hire people”.....but not everyone knows how to hire the BEST people.
And for businesses big or small, it’s the people who drive success (and failure). When you’re hiring for an important position, you have to get it right the first time. Your business is too important not to.
Of course, hiring is only half the battle. Once you bring employees on, you need to be able to get the most out of your team.
How do you keep your new (and existing) employees motivated, and prevent HR disasters that can bring your business down?
These tutorials explain how to hire and manage amazing employees without using recruiters or hiring an HR firm. We’ve asked successful CEOs to share their hiring and managing secrets in 28 high quality video interviews.
Topics Include:
• The Interview Process
• Hiring the Right People
• Key HR Resources
• Using Wellness Perks to Boost Productivity and Profitability
• High Impact, Low Cost Rewards for Employees
• Managing for Success
• And much more!
**Note: This app functions best with the latest version of iOS **
“This free business app for iPad is designed to teach you how to find a perfect candidate, hire a person right the first time and manage your team… There are so many little secrets in this app, HR and Employee Management Advice can become your best business expert and friend.” – Ali Gorelova,