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Humin Phone And Contacts 1.0.6
Screen Shots:
Your phone and contacts app now remembers all of your relationships, just like you do. Just search the way you think (“met last week, “Lives in New York”) instead of scrolling alphabetical lists. Humin even shows you the people that matter right here and now in the context of your daily life (like the person in your next meeting or your friend that is visiting town).
Search your contacts like you naturally think:
- “Met last week”
- “Works at Humin”
- “Lives in Austin”
- “Friends with Ashley”
- “Met at Music Festival”
Find that “small world!” moment without all the small talk:
- Instantly see the people you have in common when you meet someone new.
- Enter just an email or phone number and Humin automatically fills the profile with a photo and their name so you don't have to type.
- Saves the context of where and when you met, empowering unique searches to remember their name later.
Automatically clean up your contacts without lifting a finger:
- Verifies and updates contacts with current info
- Merges duplicate entries automatically
- Syncs locally from across all of the places you communicate and store info.
And many other features you'd expect from an awesome phone app:
- Visual Voicemail
- Missed calls
- Interaction history
- Keypad
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